Better Internet Foundation

The Better Internet Foundation (previously named Radicle Foundation) was founded in 2020 with a broad - but critical - purpose: “to support the development of resilient and humane software infrastructures…[and] to fund projects and people that develop non-extractive peer-to-peer technologies that promote Internet freedom.”

In 2021, the Foundation was initially focused on the maintenance and core development of Radicle - a sovereign peer-to-peer network for code collaboration, built on top of Git - and Drips - a decentralized toolkit for individuals and projects to support their software dependencies. Both projects seek to empower, secure, and embed resilience in the development of open source software, which is often underfunded and dependent on centralized platforms susceptible to attacks and censorship.

At the end of 2022, the Foundation started to receive grants from Radworks: a networked organization and community dedicated to cultivating Internet freedom. The Foundation was initially provided with a grant to continue managing the development of Radicle and Drips protocols, before Radworks started to support these projects directly in 2023. Since then, the Foundation has continued to provide strategic and operational support to Radworks and the technologies in its ecosystem (including Radicle and Drips). More information on accessing Radicle and Drips technologies can be found here.

In 2024, the Foundation will expand its scope beyond Radicle and Drips and focus its work on what is required to enable the long-term success of resilient, non-extractive peer-to-peer technologies as a whole. Since Radworks’ purpose is to fund such technologies, the Foundation will partner with Radworks to support the maturation, professionalization, and resiliency of its ecosystem. To learn more, see our current work.

The Foundation is governed by its Council, which is made up of Abbey Titcomb, Alexis Sellier, and Ange Royall-Kahin (President).