Better Internet Foundation

Data & Privacy Policy

Last edited: 21 August 2024

Better Internet Foundation website ( is maintained by the Better Internet Foundation (the “Foundation”). The Foundation is a Swiss Foundation whose purpose is to support the development of resilient and humane software infrastructures.

In this Data & Privacy Policy, "Foundation" refers to Better Internet Foundation, a Foundation incorporated in Switzerland with its address at c/o MJP Partners AG, Bahnhofstrasse 20, 6300 Zug. For more information about the Better Internet Foundation, see the About section here or the “Contact” section here. The term “data” is used herein interchangeably with “personal data.” Additionally:

The Foundation may make changes to this Data & Privacy Policy every so often. When changed, the Foundation will change the “Last edited” date at the top of the page. You (hereinafter referred to as "You” or “User”) are encouraged to review this Data & Privacy Policy regularly in order to stay informed. If You do not agree to the revised Data & Privacy Policy, do not use, access, or interact with the Foundation website, and any other Foundation communication outlet (and unsubscribe where applicable).

How Personal Data is Used

When browsing the Better Internet Foundation Website, the Foundation does not collect any of Your information and data as You browse.

However, the Better Internet Foundation website is hosted by GitHub Pages, GitHub B.V. Prins Bernhardplein 200, Amsterdam 1097JB The Netherlands, which does collect Your data, as outlined in their Data Protection statement (e.g., IP address, user agent, referrer, full URL with query string) and which uses cookies and log files to track user information. They use cookies to track which page variant a visitor/User has seen, to track if a visitor/User has clicked on a page variant, to monitor traffic patterns and to gauge popularity of service options. GitHub’s full privacy policy can be read here.

How Third Party Applications are Used

The Better Internet Foundation Website may contain third-party websites and/or third-party applications. If You use Better Internet Foundation Website, personal data that You provide may be processed by third parties. Better Internet Foundation have no control over, do not review and cannot be responsible for these third-party websites, applications, or their content. It is encouraged that You read the privacy policies of every website and/or application You visit. Any links to third-party websites, applications or locations are for Your convenience and do not signify our endorsement of such third parties or their products, content, applications, or websites.

GitHub Pages:

The Better Internet Foundation Website is hosted by GitHub Pages, which does collect personal data as You browse (e.g., IP address, user agent, referrer, full URL with query string) and which uses cookies and log files to track user information. They use cookies to track which page variant a visitor/User has seen, to track if a visitor/User has clicked on a page variant, to monitor traffic patterns and to gauge popularity of service options.

Storing Your Personal Data

The Foundation does not process or retain the metadata (and any personal data embedded therein) of website visitors.

Transferring Data Outside the EU

As it is explained under “How Personal Data is Used” and “How Third Party Applications are Used”, when You choose to use Better Internet Foundation Website and/or any third party provider as outlined above, Your data may be processed by them in the European Economic Area (EEA), in countries outside the EEA and around the world, which includes countries that do not provide the same level of data protection as Switzerland or the EEA and are not recognized as providing an adequate level of data protection.

User Rights Under GDPR

Better Internet Foundation takes user rights and privacy seriously - and this philosophy is built into each one of the projects it supports.

You have the right to assert Your claims in court or to file a complaint with the responsible data protection authority. Switzerland's competent data protection authority is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner.


The Better Internet Foundation Website is maintained by the Better Internet Foundation. The Foundation is based in Switzerland at c/o MJP Partners AG, Bahnhofstrasse 20, 6300 Zug. If You have any queries concerning the Radworks Websites, other Radworks communication channels, or Your rights under this Data & Privacy Policy, please contact